Coolest Anime


Presenting to you Coolest Anime - a place where you can vote for coolest animes and characters. Inspired by roundest.

Screenshot of coolest anime website


I created Coolest Anime, a web application that lets users vote for their favorite anime characters and anime shows. It was built using Next.js and Prisma. I got the inspiration for this app from another app called Roundest, which lets users vote for rounder pokemons.

Unique features

The user interface of Coolest Anime is clean and easy to navigate, with separate pages for the coolest anime characters and shows. Users can vote for their favorite characters and shows by clicking on a button next to the name, and they can also see the total number of votes each character or show has received.

One of the standout features of Coolest Anime is its use of Prisma, a database toolkit that provides a type-safe and intuitive way to work with databases. With Prisma, I was able to efficiently store and retrieve user votes, making the app fast and reliable.

Dev decisions

I also used Next.js, a React-based framework for building server-side rendered applications, which provides a great developer experience by allowing developers to write server-side code using React components and hooks. Next.js also provides excellent performance and scalability, making it a great choice for building high-traffic web applications.


In summary, Coolest Anime demonstrates how modern web technologies can be used to create fun and engaging applications that connect people around shared interests. If you’re an anime fan, I invite you to check it out and cast your vote for the coolest anime characters and shows!